When we were filming the car shot we couldnt help but have the shadow of the tripod obstruct the shot. However, during filming one of the characters walks in front of the shadow making another one. we used this extra shadow to mask the other one so that the shadow covered the orginal tripod shadow.
Creation Process
To create the effect we wanted, we first had to place the original clip on the main vidoe track, then freeze frame from earlier in the clip where the shadow was obstructed. However, in order to get the look we had to use an external plugin called 'RT 8 Point Matte' this allowed us to mask around the wanted shadow so that it was the only thing that could be seen on the secondary timeline. We managed to blur the edges of the picture so it became undectable if not outlined to the audience.
Admitedly we should have realised and refilmed quicker, however, this affect was so easy to produce that this was not neccessary.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Editing Spotlight - Audio Envelopes

Friday, 14 December 2012
Editing Spotlight -- Composition of Music
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Editing Digest - Hospital Sign
One of the most important scenes featured in our production is the final scene before the title of the production is revealed, in which the Pathologist informs the DCI in charge of the investigation that the investigation may have took a twist as the DNA results have been tampered with. Ideally we wanted to film this scene in a hospital to give it that look like it was situated in a laboratory. However, we realised that because we had such a tight schedule and gaining permission to film in a hospital would take time that this would not be viable. But, we still wanted it to look as if it was in some form of Lab, therefore Ross and I set out to produce signs similar to that would be found in a Lab:
Images to come
How it was made
We used many of different techniques in order to produce the signs from above, below are snippets of how they were produced.
Directional Sign - We added a bevel effect to the individual section of the sign, this created the look that the sign was actually rounded on metal however, it was actually printed on paper.This was ideal as it gave the look of typical signs you may see but was extremely easy and cheap to create. However, we felt that the size of the sign may not have been correct, but overall we were very happy with the look of the sign with other commenting that it looked very realistic.
Images to come
How it was made
We used many of different techniques in order to produce the signs from above, below are snippets of how they were produced.

Name Plaque - This took a long time to produce due the use of a trailn and error method to find what worked well. The effects that were the most important and helpful are below:
For the text inside the plaque, we added a thing called noise which made the sign look old and well used. This adds realism and dexterity to the sign and breaks up the solid black text which featured previously.
One of the most useful and effective looking techniques as it creates the overall etched effect making it seem 3D and tricking the on looker into seeing depth. This effect was vital during the use in our production as the first two signs are shot fairly and foccussed on largely. It they did not perceive as if they were 3D then they would not have the same impressiveness.
The final effect i will mention is the use of gaussian blur on the text involved in the plaque to make the text seem less sharp and more worn. This creates the impression of a rough effect sometimes seen on realistic plaques.
On printing the signs for use the in our production, the directional sign incurred a slightn dent that we inittially thought would hinder the look, but luckily it enhanced the look and made it look like the sign was worn giving it a more authentic look.
Feedback - After we has produced this scene and shown it to our audience they said that they thought the scene had been filmed in a real hospital/laboratory when in fact we had actually filmed it in ross' living room.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Editing Digest - Blood Splattered Titles
The titles we used for out production 'August 1961' were the very first thing we created, this is because we knew that we would definitely include it in the production and we did not require any footage in order to create it. For the 'DEADMAN' title we tried make it look as sleek and professional as possible this took a lot of refining and we are in the end very proud of how it looks.
In order to create the effect of the blood overlaying the text, we first had to lay the blood over the top of the text in order for us to be able to attach it to the 'TrkMat' which needed to be changed to Alpha Trackmatte for the blood splatter layer. This process was repeated three times to give the end look on August 1961 text. We added a final blood splatter to splash on the top of Deadman at the end of the film as we thought this looked very effective. The blood splatters were created by Ross who first downloaded some white paint splatters from the internet and then morphed a blood texture onto them to make them look like realistic blood. We and Ross are both very happy with this effect as we think it looks realistic and professional.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Vehicle Use
In our production we used two different vehicles to connote different meanings.
The first vehicle you seen in the production is a Citroen Picasso:
This car is used in the first scene set in August of 1961, the reason this car was used is because we felt it would be the closest to a Morris Minor as we could get without having to fork out any money to rent one. This car is also a similar height to that of a Morris Minor so in the dark scene and the use of shadows we would be able to pull of that the car coming towards the killer in 1961 is actually a Morris Minor. A Morris Minor is featured below for your comparison.
The second vehicle used in our production is a Mercedes C220 Diesel Saloon. We used this car to connote a formal and executive representation of our Pathologist so that the audience would see them as a higher status in society. The picture of the Mercedes is below:
The first vehicle you seen in the production is a Citroen Picasso:
This car is used in the first scene set in August of 1961, the reason this car was used is because we felt it would be the closest to a Morris Minor as we could get without having to fork out any money to rent one. This car is also a similar height to that of a Morris Minor so in the dark scene and the use of shadows we would be able to pull of that the car coming towards the killer in 1961 is actually a Morris Minor. A Morris Minor is featured below for your comparison.
The second vehicle used in our production is a Mercedes C220 Diesel Saloon. We used this car to connote a formal and executive representation of our Pathologist so that the audience would see them as a higher status in society. The picture of the Mercedes is below:
Friday, 30 November 2012
Location Change
In Project Diary 4 we went out near where we lived in search for possible locations we could use for the production of our film and we found a really good lane and lay by that were really close together we thought would be perfect for our film. The pictures of the setting are below:
These were are original choice of settings, however when it came to having to get the actors and the equipment to the location, this is when it became a problem, as the location is a bit out of the way along a country road meaning we had to have a rethink of where we would film. In the end we decided to film somewhere a lot closer to home, in fact it was right behind my house. This gave us the perfect place to film as it was really close to my house so the equipment and the actors where not hard to transport.
There are pictures of the location below:
to come
We have uploaded a google maps image to display to you the logistical problem we were having:
![]() |
Location 1 relevant to Freeman's House |
![]() |
Location 2 Relevant to Mulligan's House |
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Music in our Production
For the music in our production we wanted to use something that was relevant to our storyline, this meant me and my partner looked back to find what was the number one hit in August of 1961, we found out that it was a song called 'You Dont Know' by Helen Shapiro. This provided us with a subtle yet clever intertextual reference. However, to require the use of the music though we had to contact the owners/representatives of the song.
The company that we found to own the song was EMI Records so we found the contact details so that we could acquire the rights to use the song. We decided to contact the company first via the phone as we thought it would be difficult to get a response quickly enough via email. We were forwarded on to someone who told us to contact them directly via email to find out if the use of the song was plausible. He first said that the chance of using the song would be high.
The conversation is below:
The company that we found to own the song was EMI Records so we found the contact details so that we could acquire the rights to use the song. We decided to contact the company first via the phone as we thought it would be difficult to get a response quickly enough via email. We were forwarded on to someone who told us to contact them directly via email to find out if the use of the song was plausible. He first said that the chance of using the song would be high.
The conversation is below:
Hello, I am the student who just rang regarding the use of Helen Shapiro's You Don't know for my AS Level Media Production. If you could reply with written permission that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot for your help,
Ross Freeman
Hi Ross,
It appears this song is owned by Lorna Music Co Ltd for the publishing side. You may have been looking for EMI Records, who may own the recording. I would suggest you contact Jessica for this- 'REMOVED FOR PRIVACY'.
Best regards,
Thank you very much for the reply; I will contact her from now on.
Thanks a lot for your time,
After this email we then moved on to contacting the new EMI Representative to request permission:
Miss. Barlow,
I am writing to enquire about the use of a song owned by Lorna Music Co Ltd in my AS level Media Production and was informed by a member of your publishing team that I should contact you for permission. The song in question is You Don't Know by Helen Shapiro and I guarantee that it will be used entirely for non-profit and educational use and if necessary we can provide you with our online e-Portfolio's to prove it's use.
Thank you very much for your time,
Hi Ross,
Thank you for getting in contact to use Helen Shapiro “You Don’t Know” in your media production. So that I can process your request can you please answer the questions in red below?
SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY: To which school or university is your project to be submitted for marking?
PROJECT: What is the name of your project?
RECORDING & ARTIST: “You Don’t Know” performed by Helen Shapiro
DURATION AND NATURE OF USE: How much of the recording do you require? (e.g. 30 secs, 1 min, full duration of the recording) Will the recording be used solely in the background accompanying visual images?
MEDIA: Is the use purely for marking purposes?
TERRITORY: Is it solely UK for which you need rights?
TERM: How long do you require the rights? 6 months, 1 year?
COMMENCEMENT DATE: When do you require the rights from?
PROJECT SYNOPSIS (Please supply visuals if available):
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Hi Jessica, thanks for your prompt reply. Below are the answers to your questions:
SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY: Brooke Weston, Coomb Road, Great Oakley, Corby, Northants, NN18 8LA
PROJECT: AS Level Media Production - Trailer for own film creation
RECORDING & ARTIST: “You Don’t Know” performed by Helen Shapiro
DURATION AND NATURE OF USE: One minute - Shall be featured in the background as an intertextual reference due to the film being set in August 1961 when it was a number 1 hit.
MEDIA: Purely for marking and educational, though it will be posted on You Tube so that it can be linked to our Portfolio's for moderation.
TERRITORY: It shall be posted on You Tube so I assume we will need rights for all that can view it, if that is possible?
TERM: Once it has been uploaded to You Tube we had not planned to remove it so if it's possible we'd like the rights as long as possible if not indefinitely?
COMMENCEMENT DATE: Though it will not be uploaded today, I'm not aware entirely when the finishing date of the project will be, so if possible commencement date would be from your acceptance today or when that is.
PROJECT SYNOPSIS (Please supply visuals if available): The project is for our coursework and is to create a film trailer for a thriller. Our film is about a copycat of the A6 Murderer from 1961; to enforce this we show at the opening of the trailer snippets of the original murder with Helen Shapiro's song playing in the background as if from a car radio to set the time period. I'm afraid the film isn't shot yet though I have attached the storyboard that the music will be applied to. I'd like to add that we would be perfectly happy to link to EMI and/or a link to buy the song in the description and plan to give complete credit in the credits and description.
Thank you very much for your time, I hope you can grant us the use of the song.
Many thanks,
Hi Ross,
Please accept this email as confirmation that EMI Records Limited ("EMI") has no objection to your request to use up to 1 minute of “You Don’t Know” by Helen Shapiro (the "Artist") as you have described solely in connection with your school coursework, PROVIDED that at all times:
(i) Your school coursework is not exploited commercially in any way and is not used in any sort of commercial context;
(ii) Your use of the sound recording referred to above in your school coursework is in no way derogatory towards EMI, its affiliates or the Artist;
(iii) Your school coursework is in no way derogatory towards EMI, its affiliates or the Artist;
(iv) You only use the sound recording referred to above in the manner that you have described for 1 year from the date of this email and solely within the UK; and
(v) The Artist or their management do not at any time after the date of this email raise objections to your use of the sound recording in your school coursework.
Best wishes,
This was fantastic news for our production as it means that we would be covered for the use, however, we cannot upload it to YouTube and therefore cannot link to our blogs. This means that we will have to send the exam board the Helen Shapiro version and record a similar version for use online.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Change of Brief
Since me and my partner first created our blog we set out to create a trailer meaning most of the content is in relation to producing a trailer, however things have arisen that meant we had to alter our original brief. Once we had produced the final trailer we should a few people the trailer to get their feedback, their comments are below:
Audience Member 1: "I really like the shots and filters, though I think it's possible you're giving away too much of the storyline."
Audience Member 2: "The footage is perfect, but I think for a Trailer it lacks pace and really looks like the opening sequence of a film."
Audience Member 3: "I love the storyline, but most trailers don't reveal as much which could be a real downside."
After receiving this feedback which all clearly stated that our project, with some minor tweaks, looked more and more like a opening sequence than a trailer. We hence then found out that we could change the brief from creating a trailer to the first 2 minutes of a thriller film. After doing the minor tweaks we ended up with a film we were both extremely happy with.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Gun Prop
Another prop that is need for our production is the murder weapon, and for this to fit in with the storyline of the film it has to be a gun. This means we needed a realistic firearm, but because of this it made it a necessity for us to have to read up on the law regarding the imitation and toy firearms. The legislation is below:
Code of Practice for Toy Firearms (V1.0)
"The Violent Crime Reduction Act, amongst other things, amends firearms legislation to ban the
manufacture, import and sale of realistic imitations and prohibits the sale of any imitation firearm
(whether or not it is realistic) to persons under the age of 18 years. Longer sentences have been
introduced for the possession of an imitation firearm in a public place without reasonable excuse. "
These details mean that we were unable to find a realistic firearm, without blowing the bank, plus if we are to have a realistic weapon we need to make sure that anyone in the vicinity is fully aware that the prop is being used for filming purposes only.
This meant what we decided to do was buy a children's toy gun that followed the UK Law and alter it to meet our needs. The gun we bought was originally blue and bought from Pound world To alter it to what we need we took it apart, removed the orange plug at the end and then sprayed it Matt black to look more realistic the result is below:
There is only one scene in the production that requires the gun to be taken out into a public place, however, when we do this we will notify anyone in the vicinity that it is a fake firearm being used for filming purposes, we will also try to film as quickly as possible.
The gun must also need to be used as photography prop inside an evidence bag, the picture we took is below. We used a sandwhich bag to make it look like and evidence bag and then to make it look more convincing we edited it by adding the text 'police evidence bag' and a barcode and changed it to black and white.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
DNA Sheet Prop
For our production, in one scene we require a DNA certificate to make the scene look more convincing and to prove that the murderer is James Hanratty. Me and Ross, researched into similiar products to get some inspiration to design our own. Below is the word document and the finished assembled version.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
To help me and my partner in the imminent production of our thriller trailer we have decide to make a draft script that will form the base of our production, it outlines what roles need to be played and the voiceover of the trailer, although they are most likely to change and be improvised. The following scripts are below:
Script Key
PCI - Police Chief Inspector
FS - Forensic Scientist
PCI: On the 22nd of August 1961 Michael Gregsten and Valerie Storie's car was hijacked off the A6. The hijacker later shot Gregsten before raping and shooting Storie. I think you'll agree, this isn't a homicide... it's a reenactment. Mark, happens to have been one of the Pathologists who resolved the original case in 2002 with DNA evidence, as were the others. The victims car was found abandoned in Ilford the same day, sporting no evidence, whatsoever. Enforcing this, the murder weapon was found by a cleaner on the backseat of a bus, again... no evidence. James Hanratty was the prime suspect throughout the investigation despite such a resounding lack of evidence; he was later hanged after being found guilty.
Script Key
PCI - Police Chief Inspector
FS - Forensic Scientist
Script 1 - Conversation between PCI and FS about victim
FS: One Fatality, one raped and seriously injured, currently in intensive care, though don't expect anything soon. Mark Glenn, we knew him, Pathologist, do you remember? God, third one this month.
PCI: Yeeah, right, send your men home; you won't find anything.
FS: *Looks puzzled*
Script 2 - Sound Bridge of PCI that runs along most of the trailer
However... there was always significant evidence that lead towards a second suspect...
Script 3 - Discussion of DNA results between PCI and FS
FS: I have the results of the DNA testing, but you're not going to like it.
PCI: Well?
FS: It seems your murderer is dead... and has been for over fifty years
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
What is the A6 Murders? and Our Idea?
The A6 Murders (Quoted from the James Hanratty Wikipedia Article)
The Facts
At about 06:45 on the 23rd of August 1961, the body of Michael Gregsten was discovered in a lay by on the side of the A6 near Deadman's Hill, near Clophill. He had been shot at point blank range twice by a .38n revolver. Lying beside him was his semi-conscious mistress Valerie Storie. She has been raped and then shot 5 times, 4 in the shoulder and one in the neck, this caused her to become paralyzed below the shoulders.
The evening post the murder, the care that Valerie and Michael had been in that night was found abandoned behind Redbridge Tube Station in Essex. The car had been jointly owned by Gregstens Mother and his and Aunt and lent to him for what Valerie said was a supposed 'Car Rally'. Michael and Valerie worked at the same laboratory, he was a scientist and she was an assistant and they had been having an affair which didnt become public knowledge until much later.
The killer was suspected two be one of two people, either Peter Louis Alphon or James Hanratty, during the trial both of them changed their version of events several times, making it difficult for the judge and jury to make a decision. However, they decided that James Hanratty was the criminal and sentenced him to death, even though Valerie failed to pick him out of a line up. James Hanratty was one of the last people to be hung for his crimes in the United Kingdom.
The Appeal
Although James Hanratty was sentenced to death for the acts he committed during the A6 Murders, there was always much speculation that he wasn't the killer. This provoked an appeal by his family in 2002, due to the introduction of DNA evidence. The case was reopened and DNA gathered from James' corpse and his family. The evidence gave the judge no choice but to say that James Hanratty was the killer 'Beyond Doubt'.
However, his family still believe in his innocence and claim that the DNA evidence could have been contaminated because it has been in a scientific lab for 41 year and the DNA from his corpse could be corrupted.
Our Idea
Our storyline consists of the reenactment/copycat of the A6 murders in which they are now set in the modern day, however, once they do find DNA of the killer on the victims, they discover that it is actually the DNA of the original A6 murderer James Hanratty who has been dead some 41 years... In 2002 Hanratty, who was the original killer was proved guilty by DNA evidence which was not available at the time of the first trial. This means that for Hanratty to be the killer now the DNA Evidence must have been tampered with. To enforce it one of the victims of the case, is one of the Pathologists who worked on the original Hanratty case, this adds tension to the plot and implies a tick list type ideology to the film as the dead pathologist is one of many in the recent times. This shows that it is obvious that the killer doesnt agree with the result of the original case.
We have decided to call our production film 'Deadman' as the original murders happened on Deadman's Hill so acts like a play on words and the proved killer in the reenactment is James Hanratty who is now a 'Dead-man'
Our Idea
Our storyline consists of the reenactment/copycat of the A6 murders in which they are now set in the modern day, however, once they do find DNA of the killer on the victims, they discover that it is actually the DNA of the original A6 murderer James Hanratty who has been dead some 41 years... In 2002 Hanratty, who was the original killer was proved guilty by DNA evidence which was not available at the time of the first trial. This means that for Hanratty to be the killer now the DNA Evidence must have been tampered with. To enforce it one of the victims of the case, is one of the Pathologists who worked on the original Hanratty case, this adds tension to the plot and implies a tick list type ideology to the film as the dead pathologist is one of many in the recent times. This shows that it is obvious that the killer doesnt agree with the result of the original case.
We have decided to call our production film 'Deadman' as the original murders happened on Deadman's Hill so acts like a play on words and the proved killer in the reenactment is James Hanratty who is now a 'Dead-man'
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Permission to Film
Our filming, and production schedule is very tight and involves the use of adult actors throughout, this means to film these actors in the appropriate lighting, and to consider with the actors working lives and school work means we have to leave school during a free period on Friday 23rd of November. In order to acheive this, we had to gain permission from the school, this involved approaching our Vice Principal, Mr Bernard. Before approaching him we asked our Media Teacher, Mr Seston to write us a a formal letter giving his own permission that we could give to Mr Bernard. Below is the written letter and the printed signed letter:
Friday, 9 November 2012
Storyboard Video
This is a video version of the storyboard which we spoke the script over to highlight more clearly to our audience how the final production would likely come together. We think this is a great asset both to us and our audience to help us understand how we want the film to look.
The music in the background is a song called Dvorak by Tom, we chose to use this as background music because we felt it was m Milsom ellow and chilling and captured the audiences attention by creating tension, although we originally decided to use it as background music we thought it was well fitted and may incorporate this into our final production.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
As me and my partner did with out preliminary task we decided to do a detailed storyboard of how we envisioned our production looking at the time, however, we can see ourselves having to add and take away parts of the production to fulfill the marking criteria, all of these changes or additions will be justified in our evaluation, although we will try and follow the storyboard as closely as possible.

Monday, 5 November 2012
Setback 2
Once again, we have been unfortunate when selecting actors, our replacement actor for the role of the 'Historian' is now unavailable in the alloted time frame. Due to this me and Ross, have decided to remove the role entirely and again, re-cast a different role. We have decided to give the lengthy voiceover part to Ross' dad who is playing the Police Chief Inspector. This removes some of the possible audience questions such as 'Why is he talking to a historian if he already know the plot?' etc. This will also be easier for us in a logistical manner as the ability to record Ross' dad is a lot easier to organise and complete.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Project Diary Info
As you can see in our project diaries in each one there is a little fun preliminary video at the start, we decided to do this ,one because it provided the audience with something fun and interesting to watch and two it allowed us to get use to the camera we would be using, experiment with different shot angles and get use to the editing software.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Production Diary 4
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Production Diary 3
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Production Diary 2
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Audit & Action Plan
Me and my partner did a recent audit of our blogs parrallel to the marking criteria to see what needed to be done. The audit can be found below.
After we had produced the Audit we produced an Action Plan so that we knew what needed to be done and when. We made it in excel so that is was easy to understand and we could include conditional formatting so that we knew what had been done and what needed to be done in what priority.
The Action Plan is below:
After we had produced the Audit we produced an Action Plan so that we knew what needed to be done and when. We made it in excel so that is was easy to understand and we could include conditional formatting so that we knew what had been done and what needed to be done in what priority.
The Action Plan is below:
Friday, 19 October 2012
For our production trailer we require a number of actors to fulfill certain roles. Considering that Ross' Dad use to particapate in amateur theatre we have decided to use him for the main roles. This is good because he is a parent it mean he will be easy to get hold and be available most of the time. The other major role that needed to be filled was the role of the historian we decided to ask a history teacher at our school as he was exactly what we imagined when producing the role and he happily obliged which is a great leap forward for our production.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Film company Introduction Video
Friday, 12 October 2012
Production Diary 1
Here is our first Production Diary, we will be uploading these regularly so that you as an audience can understand everything involved with the production process and how and when we will do it. In this, our first diary, we talk about our idea for our production and the areas involved within it. Enjoy!
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Survey Results
My and my partner decided to do a audience survey so that we could grasp what the audience would want from our media film. The results and comments are below:
Location Hunting
Once we had briefly outlined our storyboard, we realised that we would need to have a obscure lamppost set in a rural location so that we can create the silhouette of the character. Due to us needing this shot, I asked my dad to drive me out to a local little village called Little Oakley to see if there was anyone old stand alone lamppost's that could be used. Below are the pictures taken.
We decided after reviewing the photos to go with the first two pictures of the same lamppost this was decided because this one was set furthest away from the village so it had a sense of loneliness to it that we wanted to achieve.
We decided after reviewing the photos to go with the first two pictures of the same lamppost this was decided because this one was set furthest away from the village so it had a sense of loneliness to it that we wanted to achieve.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Production - 1st Storyboards
After we had finished our Preliminary Task we moved onto designing the storyboard for our actual production.
We decided to go against the results of our survey in that the majority of people wanted to see an original story line However, in our past productions we had gone with making our own story and have realized afterwards that it was not fleshed out enough and the story lacked realism and background. Therefore we decided to go with an adaptation and in the end came up with The A6 Murders.
The A6 Murder was the murder of a scientist called Micheal Gregsten and his mistress, Valerie Storie were attacked in August 1961. Gregsten was shot and killed and Valerie was raped and also shot however she survived but was paralysed form the neck down. According to Valerie's account the two were abducted in the car by a man later found to be James Hanratty and ordered to drive in several directions before eventually stopping on the A6 at Deadmans Hill were the offences took place. There were two suspects, James Hanratty and Peter Alphon, after many investigations and witness accounts. James Hanratty was sentenced to death and was the last person to be hanged in Britain. However, there was always speculation that he never committed the offences and his family decided to appeal in 2002 when DNA evidence could be used. The evidence proved Hanratty as guilty beyond doubt.
We decided to go with this story as we could do a now time copy of the murder, this will add to the tension as people who may watch it may have been familiar with the original A6 Murder so will catch on to the tension of the story as the police in the film try to uncover what has happened.
Below are our first drafts of the storyboards for our film:
We decided to go against the results of our survey in that the majority of people wanted to see an original story line However, in our past productions we had gone with making our own story and have realized afterwards that it was not fleshed out enough and the story lacked realism and background. Therefore we decided to go with an adaptation and in the end came up with The A6 Murders.
The A6 Murder was the murder of a scientist called Micheal Gregsten and his mistress, Valerie Storie were attacked in August 1961. Gregsten was shot and killed and Valerie was raped and also shot however she survived but was paralysed form the neck down. According to Valerie's account the two were abducted in the car by a man later found to be James Hanratty and ordered to drive in several directions before eventually stopping on the A6 at Deadmans Hill were the offences took place. There were two suspects, James Hanratty and Peter Alphon, after many investigations and witness accounts. James Hanratty was sentenced to death and was the last person to be hanged in Britain. However, there was always speculation that he never committed the offences and his family decided to appeal in 2002 when DNA evidence could be used. The evidence proved Hanratty as guilty beyond doubt.
We decided to go with this story as we could do a now time copy of the murder, this will add to the tension as people who may watch it may have been familiar with the original A6 Murder so will catch on to the tension of the story as the police in the film try to uncover what has happened.
Below are our first drafts of the storyboards for our film:
Monday, 8 October 2012
Setback 1
It has now arisen that our professional actors that was willing to help us in our production, has now become unavailable due to work commitment. The role of the 'Historian' now needs to be completely re-cast. We have decided to make this search closer to us, looking at possible teachers, family and friends.
After much deliberation about potential historians we decided to approach a history teacher at our school to fulfill the role of the historian, this was because he fitted exactly what we imagined when producing the draft versions of the storyboard. He kindly obliged which advances us much further forward in our pre-production.
After much deliberation about potential historians we decided to approach a history teacher at our school to fulfill the role of the historian, this was because he fitted exactly what we imagined when producing the draft versions of the storyboard. He kindly obliged which advances us much further forward in our pre-production.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Production LOGO - Woods Today
We decided that in order for our production to look professional and effective we needed to come up with a production company name and a logo to accompany it.
We decided to go with 'Woods Today'. This was because mine and my partners first film we made at GCSE level was called 'If you go down to the Woods Today'. We took inspiration from our first film and played about with the words in the title and eventually came up with Woods Today which we think sounds professional and easy to remember.
Below is the logo:
We used a Serif font as we thought it added to the look of trees with roots and branches coming off it. To increase the look of the tree we decided to add some root like vectors to the edges of certain letters to make it look as if they continue on and grow like trees. Finally we added the cartoon outline of a owl to give it an even more woody feel, we did this using the O's in Woods Today to create the eyes and the mouth and adding in extra elements such as pupils and a nose.
We decided to go with 'Woods Today'. This was because mine and my partners first film we made at GCSE level was called 'If you go down to the Woods Today'. We took inspiration from our first film and played about with the words in the title and eventually came up with Woods Today which we think sounds professional and easy to remember.
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