Thursday, 4 October 2012

Preliminary Task - LATE

This is mine and my partner, Ross Freeman's preliminary media task, this task was set just to get us back into the rhythm of filming again and familiarize ourselves with camera shots and angles. This has been useful when planning our full production as it lets us understand what angles work well and what don't work. 

We produced a story board for our preliminary task, this allowed us to plan it out on paper and try different shots in different positions until we eventually came up with something that looked good in our heads. 

As you can see in the storyboard compared to the video, some shots were left out or discarded. They were filmed during the production of the task however, in the editing stage we decided that they were not good enough and did not work well with the other shots. This includes, the within the office and the watch shot as they did not work as well as we had liked. We also included bloopers/outtakes at the end which were not planned in the original storyboard but we added them for comedic effect and to show what we had done and how we chose which shots. 

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